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ACTS   2/1-47

 This invasion began at 0900 hours on the Day of Pentecost after the death and resurrection of Jesus   the Nazarene. Acts 2 records the invasion which, in one sense, continues to impact the world to this day. We will use that military motif which will help us grasp the true nature of what of what was happening – two kingdoms in a battle to the death. Having heard from Jesus about the Kingdom of God (1/3), the disciples are about to experience the power of that Kingdom.

[1]   THE INVASION   (Vs.1-13)

a. Someone has described this invasion as a “heavenly disturbance on earth “– It’s an upheaval as a new authority invades and establishes itself. The Rule of God comes in a new way at this time.

b. Recall the promise of Jesus about them being “baptised with the Holy Spirit” (1/4,5) This subject requires a session on its own. But for now, these 12 disciples receive empowering for witnessing (1/8)

c. Whenever the Holy Spirit comes in power, people respond with both heart and mind. Identify the responses in these verses

(v.6)  ________________     (v.7)   ________________   (v12)   __________________


[2]    THE EXPLANATION   (Vs.14-36)

Peter’s explanation of these events centres entirely in the person of Jesus Christ. Here is the beginning of the fulfilment of the promise in 1/8 – they stand to witness, beginning in Jerusalem. They appeal to

[3]   THE RESPONSE (VS. 37-41)

If all that Peter said was true, their guilt was staggering – they had killed Son of God! What shall we do? 

  1. What you must do – repent (inward response) and be baptised (outward expression)

  2. What God will do – forgive your sin and give you the gift of the Holy Spirit

[4] THE RESULT   (Vs.41-47)

The impact was amazing. The invasion appears to have been a complete success. About three thousand of that crowd defected to this new community of Christ-followers, the new Kingdom, and declared their new allegiance by being baptised.

These remaining verses are too significant to be hastily considered. We will devote a separate session (Session 2A) the next time we come to “Action in Acts”

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