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Ministry Resources


In this final post regarding the role of the Pastor, i want to say that I have always made a specific commitment to help the Church family understand that they are not there to help me do my job so much as I am there to help them do their job and fulfill their God-ordained role in the Kingdom.


So, to sum up the previous posts, I was there to Teach The Word. I was there to Encourage the Vision. I was there to Change the Environment and...




If a key component to the Pastor's role and the Church's vision is to "prepare God's people for works of service" (Eph.4/12), then finding ways to do that must become a high priority for Pastor and People. Here are a few steps to consider.


a. Identify & Affirm Gifts. Teach (Information, Demonstration, Participation) about spiritual gifts so that people can explore and discover their "gift mix" & God's purpose for them in and through the Body of Christ.


b. Equip & Resource People.   Create an environment where people can "experiment" in ministry. I believe Small Groups or Home Groups are the best place to focus on how specific gifts minister within & outside the Body.


c. Mobilise & Deploy Church. Create or utilise ministry opportunities for exercise of those gifts. There has to be a place where theory becomes practice. Disciples are meant to be practitioners, not theorists. This is perhaps the most difficult part in releasing the people.


d. Nurture & Encourage Believers. This is the on-going encouragement of the people in their relationship and walk with God. Too often we release people but fail to give them support, encouragement and a positive accountability framework that assures them that they are not forgotten. It's important to ask them, "How are you going? How is your walk with God?


e. Monitor & Develop Ministry. This centres around the question "How is the ministry going?" The emphasis is with the on-going maturing of ministry effectiveness and growth and the providing of back-up resources.


I submit that these four dimensions of pastoral ministry are foundational to effective leadership. Others may couch them in different terms. Still others may want to add to these four. However, I can't see how pastoral ministry is fulfilled without these dimensions present and functional in the life of a local Church.

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