As Bev and I walk this path together, certain principles or lessons have emerge. Some are new insights while others are reminders of what we have learned in other situations. Here is one such lesson.
“There will always be at least one more event in which we want to share before we die”
It might be a family Christmas, the birth of a grandchild, the marriage of a daughter or the graduation of a son. Such a list would grow rapidly. In our case just recently it was to celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary. The thinking and feeling was, “If we make it to that goal, we will have that sense of completion. The “bucket list” will be empty. But then again… is our granddaughter’s birthday next week and it would be nice to be here for that…….”
I wonder if it is possible to die with a sense of completion?
Earlier this week I found that my mind was occupied with the word “Henceforth”. The answer to your question about its origin is, “I have no idea!) When I discover those kind of thoughts in my mind (the ones that appear with no good reason to be there), I tend to pay closer attention because the Spirit of the Lord might just have something to do with their presence.
“Henceforth”. Where have I encountered that word before? I’m pretty sure that it lives in the New Testament somewhere. Out comes the concordance. Yes, there it is 2 Timothy 4/6-8 in both the King James Version and the Amplified Version.
For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
If you will take time to reflect on these verses I think you will find that “Henceforth” is a word of completion. It is a word that embraces past, present and future. This brings us back to the question, I wonder if it is possible to die with a sense of completion?
I believe the answer is “Yes” but we will have to wait until the next segment for me to introduce you to two Biblical characters who died with that sense of having completed what they saw as the call of God upon their lives.