Bible Reading Acts 13/1-4
Welcome to Phase 3 of “Action in Acts”. Before we launch into chapter 13, let’s take time to review our studies thus far. We have been using Jesus’ outline in Acts 1/8 as the basic outline or Plan of Advance for our framework.
Chapters 1-7 – the Jerusalem Phase
Chapters 8-12 – The Judean/Samaritan Phase
Now we come to PHASE 3 – The Gentile Phase which covers Chapters 13-23
As we open at chapter 13, Paul is back on centre stage and the next section will see the gospel taken even further into the then-known world. What was anticipated in the story of Cornelius (Chp.10) now expands to embrace all Gentiles everywhere (Gentile = non-Jews).
It is important to note that the initiative for mission comes from God Himself. These three verses are critically important in that they explain how the missionary advance began. Take time to discuss the following questions.
What was the Church at Antioch doing when “The Holy Spirit said…..”?
What was it specifically that the Holy Spirit told the Church to do?
How might the Holy Spirit have spoken – what possible means might He have used to communicate His message?
Is it significant that the Holy Spirit gave these instructions to the Church (as a corporate whole) and not to Paul and/or Barnabas or the others?
What does this say about the role of the Church so far as the call of God in the lives of its members is concerned?
What most often happens is that the individual senses the call of God in their life and talks to the Pastor about it. Depending on the Pastor’s response – positive or negative – the individual may continue down the path of obedience (or not!).
2 Let this passage indicate another option: The Church recognizes the gifts and qualities of a person and as they pray about this person, they sense the Holy Spirit affirming their conviction and they, in turn, go to the person concerned, share their conviction and set that person aside for ministry.
What are some of the advantages if it’s the Church that identifies the call of God in the lives of others? Key words might be #Support #Accountability (What else?)
In the first instance, it’s the individual who takes the initiative. In the second scenario it is the Church that takes the initiative.
Are there any potential hazards in the second scenario?
“So, after more fasting and prayer….” Why?
Paul & Barnabas go with a sense of being sent by the Church. Why is that important? Acts 13/3 The Church sent them out BUT Acts 13/4 says the Holy Spirit sent them. Which is correct?