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Ministry Resources


  Nehemiah 1/1-11 


In the coming weeks we will examine some of the key dynamics in Christian service: the centrality of prayer, the kind of difficulties and opposition that we will almost inevitably face, the fulfilment that comes with obedience and victory. Nehemiah is an immensely practical book. We will come to appreciate this man in a new way and his example will inspire us to embrace afresh the truth of 1 Corinthians 15/58,

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain”.    

1. Take time to read Nehemiah 1/1-11. Maybe one person could read it aloud while others follow in their translation.  Others can share what their translation says at points by way of clarity and freshness.  

2. Consider vs.1-3 and, in your own words, describe the condition and attitude of the Jewish remnant. Try to imagine their feelings as they look at their condition and think about the future. What words do you think would describe YOUR feelings in the same circumstances?  

 3. Most of chapter 1 is taken up with Nehemiah’s response to the news he received. What he experienced was very powerful. What do you learn about Nehemiah from.....  






  4. The prayer of Nehemiah gives us insight into his understanding of the nature of God. Note down Nehemiah’s perception of God as it seems to you in......






5. Think about your prayers. What do they reveal about your understanding or perception of God?

Powerful/Weak        Willing/Reluctant       Harsh/Compassionate      Committed/Disinterested

Consistent/Fickle                  [Other]   

6. As you think about the call of God in your own life, what is there around you about which you feel a real burden or passionate concern?   Have you ever taken time to “own” your feelings about that issue or situation?   How do you express your concern or burden?  (Prayer?  Anger?  Criticism?  Despair?  Action?)  

7 . Nehemiah was “cupbearer to the King” - and, as such, he was uniquely placed by God. Have you ever identified in what ways God has uniquely gifted and placed you so you can be available for His service?    

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