If I was asked which was my favourite chapter in the Bible, I'd have to say that Mark 5 would be right up near the top of my list. It is a chapter that revolves around three questions; one question for each of three different people and each of those three people were involved in a major crisis in their lives.
I am greatly impressed with the way Jesus involved Himself with these ordinary people as they faced their crises and broke through to a new life because that day Jesus passed their way.
The first question was directed to a 'madman' (or so the locals thought). The second question was spoken to a crowd but really it was for the benefit of a terminally ill woman. The third question was addressed to a crowd of mourners who had gathered for the funeral of a young girl. However, the third question was really for the comfort of the girl's father who was a local clergyman.
I invite you to join me as I seek to do what I have often done with these encounters; to watch how Jesus ministered then and how I expect He ministers now through you and me. As we engage with these three people I am praying that we will be challenged and motivated to daily serve our Lord with the expectation that what He did then, He can still do now.
I have tried to present my reflections and findings in a format that is appropriate for your personal use in a devotional setting as well as being suitable for a group to discuss. If you have opportunity to teach in the Christian community be it from the pulpit, a small group setting or mentoring, maybe these sessions could provide you with a resource.
The three sessions will appear here over the next week. If you plan to journey with me, may I encourage you to read Mark's gospel, chapter 5, and read it more than once. Read it in a number of translations. As you read it, try and enter into the dynamics of the three events that are outlined by Mark.
How would you have felt if the had been one of Jesus' disciples as you saw that madman rushing towards you?
Imagine you were one of the crowd moving quickly towards the home of Jairus. What are you thinking? What are you expecting might happen there? And why has Jesus suddenly stopped? Doesn't He realise that urgency is the order of the day?
Finally, you are in the midst of a crowd of mourners. The daughter is dead. How are you feeling? Perhaps you are Peter...or James....or John. What is happening within you as Jesus calls you into the room. Try and put yourself in Jairus situation. Are you feeling guilty because you wonder if you were too slow to seek Jesus' help?
In other words, BE THERE!!
Check here in the next couple of days for the first of our three questions.