Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches
21 January, 2014
"A gentle disease" (said Bev) "What is?" (I replied) "Motor Neurone Disease." Now I had… [more]
16 January, 2014
I took a bit of a leap in my last post by owning the fact I am afraid of what lays before us on our journey through the… [more]
12 January, 2014
Every so often on this journey we have had what a friend calls those "Aha!!" moments. Those occasions are… [more]
9 January, 2014
Two days ago, Bev asked me what state I was in. I was pretty sure it wasn't a question about geography and she… [more]
29 December, 2013
There was a time back about mid-year when, such was the rapid pace of Bev's deteriorating condition due to Motor… [more]