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  • Have You Seen Jesus?

    8 April, 2013

    I have been challenged in recent days as I have tried to walk with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24). We are told that although Jesus came up and walked along with them, God prevented them from recognising Him.

    Now why would God do that? I wondered how I would approach such a subject. As I pondered the possible approaches a Pastor might make, I found myself playing with words for a sermon title and two questions almost identical in appearance but vastly different in meaning offered themselves to me.

    Question 1 - "Has anybody here seen Jesus?"

    Question 2 - "Has anybody seen Jesus here?"

    The first question might be asked in a Small Group or a Sunday Service. It seeks to know if anyone in that group of people has had an encounter with Jesus in which He became more than a stranger on life's road. As God lifted that "veil" of unrecognition, we saw Him and it changed our lives.

    The second question wants to know if anyone has seen this Jesus in our midst. It somehow expects that Jesus will be at work, opening spiritually-blind eyes and demonstrating His presence and power in the context of our Church.

    How would you answer each of those questions?


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