Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches


  • Journal (7) + Letter

    31 May, 2015

    Hi Darling, I must tell you about a “God moment” or “God encounter” I had the day after… [more]

  • Journal (6) + Letter

    29 May, 2015

    As indicated in my last journal entry, I am experimenting with a format that I am calling "Letters to Bev".… [more]

  • Journal 5 + Letter

    28 May, 2015

    My Darling, I’m quite sure in my own mind that you will never read what I write in my “Letters to… [more]

  • Journal (5)

    25 May, 2015

    Last night as I thought about “resuming the journey”, somewhat unexpectedly the thought came to mind,… [more]

  • Journal (4)

    24 May, 2015

    I never imagined that getting through the loss of one’s life partner would be easy. But I think it is going to be… [more]

  • Journal (2)

    29 April, 2015

    In my last posting I mentioned about this period of grieving being a time to re-group in readiness for me to resume the journey. Bev and I walked this journey together until the last few hours when she walked without me. That was because the Shepherd was with her. Now she has reached her heavenly home.

    I can’t imagine resuming this journey without her. But, then, I guess that is part of the purpose of re-grouping.

    I must record my response to Bev’s Celebration service. As a family we met and discussed the arrangements. Bev was there to make her contribution. That was great!

    First, we wanted to ditch the word “funeral”. Using the word (any word, for that matter) predisposes our expectation. So we used the expression “Celebration of Life” Service.

    It was fantastic!!

    We had produced 8-9 larger-than-life photos of Bev which formed something of a backdrop across the stage/platform. Our 5 granddaughters participated, the older one bringing a delightful tribute about Grandma. Our two sons then regaled us with an anecdotal smorgasbord of life growing up in the Robinson household.

    It was a roller-coaster ride of emotions. One moment they had us in stitches of laughter and then had us reflective as they helped us see the strategic role that Bev had played in each of our lives. By the time they had finished, their mother had been beautifully honoured and celebrated. The service finished on a wonderful note of victory as we listened to Bill & Gloria Gaither’s song, “It Is Finished!”  Hardly a dry eye in the house, as they say.

    I’m glad I shared that with you. It will be one of those memories that will help us through when the road gets difficult in the days ahead.


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