Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches


  • Journal 50

    31 October, 2015

    Journal 50 Hi Sweetheart, I’ve been wandering through your book, “The Book of Days”.… [more]

  • Journal 49

    27 October, 2015

    My Darling, I thought that this afternoon would be quiet, uneventful and insignificant. But then I had a phone call… [more]

  • JOURNAL 48

    23 October, 2015

    Hello my love, I again find myself reflecting on grief. I hoped this is OK to share with you because I don’t… [more]

  • JOURNAL 47

    20 October, 2015

    Hi Sweetheart, I have been thinking a lot about grief lately. Obviously the subject is of enormous interest to me,… [more]

  • Journal 46

    16 October, 2015

    My Darling, I am sitting in our Unit having my evening meal. Let me anticipate your next question by saying,… [more]

  • Journal 42

    30 September, 2015

    Hi Sweetheart. It’s me….again!!

    I’m halfway through my weekend chores. One more load of washing and that only leaves the dusting….and you know how much I love dusting!!

    In my last letter I used those 4 words, “Do you remember when….?  Well, I was cleaning out some of my files last night and I came across another “Do you remember when….” It gives us a further glimpse into how others saw you and the richness of your contribution into the lives of others; in this case ME!!

    Do you remember when (D.Y.R.W.) we attended that 4 week residential school in California for Pastors and their spouses? That was the first and last time we met B.R. What a great prophetic gift he had. The Lord certainly gave him insight into us! I recorded what he said about us and especially the affirmation for you.

    “Bev, the Lord has told me that you are really important to him; that you have been a strength to him and that those strengths in your life have really brought him through in times of distress. However, you are behind the scenes with him. Bev, there is really a behind- the- scenes thing working with you. This is often the case in the Pastorate but it really is the case I see here with you.

    Both of you are called to walk in faith. You have your own gifting, Bev. There’s a real anointing of faith upon you and you have really chosen to put it into his life and to make him a success in the Kingdom and that’s really important.

    I also see intercession upon you – just a ministry of prayer that the Lord has for you. I don’t know whether you are already in it or if it is ahead of you but there is real intercession upon you, Bev.

    Bev, you keep being a strength to him for you really are – tremendously. Sometimes I see that the men in the ministry do not often take care of their wives. But you’re doing something right with her because you’ve freed her to really minister back to you. You must be receiving ministry from her because she really shines in that area”.

    WOW!!  And that’s just what he had to say about you!

    Do you remember the impact those insights had on us? He said towards the end of that session, “Does that mean anything to you?” We both just sat there in tears as the negatives of the last year or so were exposed and we were freed from the power of manipulation and control.

    As much as anything this D.Y.R.W. reminds me of how much I owe you as my partner in ministry. BR got that fact “dead set right”. You made many  sacrifices over the years we spent in Pastoral Ministry and for this I will be forever grateful, my love.

    The dusting awaits me….

    But until Then…

    You remain the love of my life



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