Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches


  • JOURNAL 45

    12 October, 2015

    Hello Again, My Love, Well, today is significant in that it is 6 months since you “pitched your moving tent… [more]

  • Journal 44

    9 October, 2015

    Hello, my love, It was good to have our daughter and two youngest granddaughters across for tea on Tuesday last. I… [more]

  • JOURNAL 43

    6 October, 2015

    My darling, Quite some time ago in one of my earlier letters I mentioned that my memory concerning the day that you… [more]

  • Journal 42

    30 September, 2015

    Hi Sweetheart. It’s me….again!! I’m halfway through my weekend chores. One more load of washing… [more]

  • Journal 41

    29 September, 2015

    Hello Darling, I’ve been reading some more of your journal in that book, “The Book of Days”. When I… [more]

  • Journal 46

    16 October, 2015

    My Darling,

    I am sitting in our Unit having my evening meal. Let me anticipate your next question by saying, “Yes, it is nutritious”

     Tonight I’m having Tasmanian trout with rice, vegetables followed by dessert. Let me anticipate your next question by saying, “Nobody cooked it for me. I did it myself”!

    Sitting right in the middle of our dining room table is the most beautiful rose. And it came off your rose bush which is alive with those beautiful pink roses. I wish you could see it. (Maybe you can?!).

    You know, love, while we were together in our life here my thoughts and questions about the life after this one and heaven and so on were “of interest” so to speak. Although my parents had died and especially our son, Philip, I was settled and at peace in my heart so far as their security was concerned. Death was something a long way off for us. I was fulfilled in my marriage, fulfilled in my calling to be a Pastor. Life was good. Of course, my heart was here with you and our children and their children.

    Then, on April 12th, you went to be with the One Who loves you supremely.  What was once "of interest" is now of the highest priority.!! Heaven has taken on a whole new significance.  But the goal now is to complete our ministry here.

    . I was thinking about this verse today.

    “….. set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honour at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth”.  Colossians 3:1-2 (NLT).

    It occurred to me that I’ve been living that invitation in reverse.  I set my sights on the realities of earth, I think about the things of earth, not the things of heaven. And now that you are there, my questions have become more important, more urgent.

    Do you remember the cartoon character who was persistently saying to his mum and dad, “Are we there yet” When can we get out of the car?” I'm so looking forward to "Then".

    When will “then” be “now”.  “Soon!”

    But Until Then

    You remain the love of my life



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