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  • Our Journey Through The Valley (1)

    13 April, 2013

    How one couple are facing life and death in the presence of Motor Neurone Disease.

    We sat in quietness as the Neurologist completed his tests and evaluated the results. He put down his pen, paused a moment and then delivered what felt like a death sentence. "Mrs. Robinson, I can now confirm to you that you do have Motor Neurone Disease. As you are probably aware, we don't know the cause and there is no cure". Because Bev is a Registered Nurse, she had some idea of what this news meant. When we asked about the prognosis we were told that she might have somewhere between 1-3 years left. We left the doctor that day knowing that our lives would now change in ways that would be increasingly difficult and even cruel.

    And so the journey through the Valley began (Psalm 23/4).

    All this happened just 3 weeks ago. While there have been some tears, we know that the news and its implications still has not hit us as we know it will further down the track. We decided almost immediately that there could be great value if Bev kept a journal of our encounter with this unrelenting disease.

    It was a few days later that we decided to make the content of that journal available to the readership of Barnabas. We hope that this record of our journey might inform, encourage, inspire and challenge all who walk this journey with us.

    Our commitment is that we will be as honest and authentic as we possibly can. We will tell you of the tough times, the times when questions assail us and when we confront experiences that seem to mock our faith. We will tell you of the times of breakthrough into another level of insight. We will tell you of the significant transition times (e.g. when the progress of the disease requires Bev to be moved into nursing care). We will record this journey right through to its conclusion.

    If you choose to walk with us via these written expressions of our journey, we would be honoured. These extracts will not be daily but they will be frequent.




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