Our Journey Through The Valley (11)
13 May, 2013
When you pray for us, what is it that you seek as you intercede on our behalf? May we make a suggestion? Please pray that we will have a growing, maturing "Kingdom" perspective on our circumstances; especially the issues associated with motor neuron disease. The "natural" perspective is before us all the time. It's the way the medical people look at things - understandably. It's the way our non-Christian friends look at what has been inserted into our lives. Actually, it's the way many of our Christian friends view our situation.
The truth is that this "natural" way of viewing the diagnosis and prognosis is the way we struggle not to look at it in those terms. We need inner eyes to see past the natural into the supernatural. We found ourselves reading Paul's inspired words in Ephesians 1/18 "I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand......"
Will you join us in praying for that light (of reality) to flood our hearts so that we can look at our health scenario through God's eyes and respond appropriately?