Our Journey Through The Valley (14)
23 May, 2013
If there is one scripture verse or passage that is very appropriate (and one of Bev's favourites) it's 2 Corinthians 4/16 NLT
"That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day".
I am privileged to walk with Bev every day as this reality works itself out. Please don’t misunderstand me on this point: my awareness of her body dying little by little breaks my heart. But watching her spirit being renewed every day is nothing short of inspirational.
While I want Bev to know how inspirational her attitude and approach are to life in the presence of motor neurone disease, I don't want to deny her the need and opportunity to express her 'struggle issues' which no doubt will come the further we go on this journey. If I did that I would place on her shoulders an unbearable load if she felt she had to hide those feelings, questions and responses just to protect me and my feelings. There would be a sense of great loneliness if she couldn't be authentic with me.
That is another dimension that you might keep in mind as you pray for us.