Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches



    3 June, 2016

    If you were to read our journal entry for this day last year, you would read the following Today's instalment… [more]

  • JOURNAL 89

    22 May, 2016

    Hi sweetheart, Sometimes I experience periods of “What if…?”. These are times when my mind seems… [more]

  • JOURNAL 88

    17 May, 2016

    Hi Darling, Coming home from the hospital with a mechanical device fitted to my chest – a P.E.G. I think it… [more]

  • JOURNAL 87

    13 May, 2016

    JOURNAL 87 The doctor said I can go home this morning. The surgery has had the desired effect and this new means of… [more]

  • JOURNAL 86

    10 May, 2016

    JOURNAL 86 MOTHER’S DAY Hello sweetheart, I haven’t spoken to our children as to… [more]

  • Our Journey Through The Valley (34)

    31 July, 2013

    This morning the wheelchair man came to our unit.  Together with the Occupational Therapist they came to do the necessary paperwork and tuition for Bev to have a "power chair" to use in our unit and around the village.

    They bought two models with them and Bev had the opportunity to "test drive" both. Just when she will be able to have one allocated to her is uncertain but they both recognised that the 'walker' is becoming less and less useful and needs to be replaced by an electric shuttle (or scooter) and/ or a power chair.

    I watched this process from the sidelines and all I could think of was, "So this is life for the next stage of our journey through the valley?"

    I found the whole event very confronting.  I'm finding that, for me, recognition of Bev's Disease is an incremental experience. Thus far I haven't been hit good and hard by the reality. Rather that recognition and acceptance comes bit by bit. Today's "bit" was pretty powerful in its impact on me, at least.

    I think Bev is much further down this road of recognition than I am. Maybe the "hit by a freight train" experience is yet to come for me. We still talk about that Sunday 2 weeks ago when she was anointed with oil and received prayer for the Kingdom of God to prevail in her body.  I'm still very committed to declare the authority of Jesus Christ over her whole being. That may or may not be seen in physical healing. That's up to the King.

    But today was a reality check for me.


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