Our Journey Through The Valley (43)
21 September, 2013
It has been quite a while since I have had the opportunity to update our journal. We have been through a period of busyness that has been satisfying in one way and frustrating in others.
We have been the recipients of so much gracious support and affirmation that we can hardly believe it, let alone receive it. Even today yet another of our neighbours took the time to come and talk with us and emphasised that she prays for us both every day - no exceptions.
I hope to talk with Karen before figures are finalised for the recent WALK-A-THON but my understanding is that we have easily topped the $14,000 target and Karen seems to be beside herself with a sense of a job well done.
So far as we are concerned, it's an 'up and down' kind of life that we share at the moment. What we reported a week or so ago about a slowing of the rate of Bev's deterioration is no longer the case as she still struggles physically around the unit where we live. There have been a number of subtle signs that indicate the disease is on the move again.
We went to the Neurophysiology Department at Westmead Hospital last week and Bev submitted herself to about 2-3 hours of tests involving electrodes etc. This gave the specialized staff the opporftunity to further their research into the cause and cure of this wretched disease. I'm just so proud of how Bev is assisting their research programme.
So the journey continues.