Our Journey Through the Valley (54)
29 November, 2013
~~Bev and I make every effort to read a portion of God's Word each day (not always successfully, I might add). Yet we are often amazed at the relevance of that daily reading in that it speaks to our immediate cares, concerns or questions.
Over this last weekend one of those readings took us back to the announcement made by the Angel Gabriel to Mary when, in response to Mary's question about how she could be pregnant (or become pregnant), the heavenly messenger used the word "overshadowed". The brief commentary that accompanied the reading had a poem at the end which, as Bev read it, I suddenly realised that it was, in fact, a verse from a hymn. And it was a hymn that I have not heard for decades - literally!
But the words and tune came so readily that I found myself "breaking into song"!! (Scary thought!!) It was as if God was saying to Bev that despite all that is happening to her at the moment, she was overshadowed by His Mighty Love. Here are the words of the chorus of that hymn,I'm overshadowed by His mighty love,.
Love eternal changeless, pure
Overshadowed by His mighty love,.
Rest is mine serene, secure
He died to rescue me from sin,
He lives to keep me day by day
I'm overshadowed by His mighty love,
Love that brightens all my way.These are words that Bev can use to express her security in the Lord's love for her. But it suddenly occurred to us that they are words that I can sing over her life by way of reassuring her of that Mighty Love. Simply change the words from "I'm overshadowed" to "You're overshadowed" and it becomes a blessing sung into the life of the recipient. Beautiful!!
But better still, consider this precious, mind-blowing image found in Zephaniah 3/17, (NIV)
The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
Imagine the Lord your God singing and rejoicing over you. Now go back and change the words so that it is the Lord who is singing. This is what you get...You're overshadowed by My mighty love, love eternal, changeless, pure
Overshadowed by My mighty love, Rest is mine, serene, secure
I died to ransom you from sin,
I live to keep you day by day
You're overshadowed by My mighty love,
Love will brighten all my way.
There are days in this journey that are tough and heaven seems silent.
This was not one of them!