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  • Our Journey Through The Valley (6)

    25 April, 2013

    How one couple are facing life and death in the presence of Motor Neurone Disease.

    These ten days away in Tasmania have given us what feels to me like a reprieve in which to catch our breath and allow our minds and emotions to think and feel about things other than motor neurone disease and the pursuit of its agenda in Bev's body. I don't know from first-hand experience what "day release" or "weekend release" is like but I imagine it feels like what I am feeling now.

    Today we return home. Today we confront again the "sentence" that was handed down in the rooms of the Neurologist just one month ago. 

    Yes, I know that we have the certainty of eternal life, the life that nothing can damage or destroy. I know His grace is sufficient for each day and that the grace we will need tomorrow is not available to us today. I think it must be like the manna in the wilderness. It had to be gathered fresh each morning. It could not be stockpiled. Yesterday's supply could not be used to supplement today's portion. Nor could an advance be accessed against tomorrow's provision.  

    All this seems to align with Jesus' teaching when He said, it was day at a time. I know all that. But I know it mostly in my head.

    "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.  Matt 6:34 NLT

    The challenge is for me is to learn how to move it from head to heart.


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