Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches


  • Our Journey Through The Valley (62)

    27 December, 2013


    27th December 2013
    Today is our sons's 48th birthday, but we spent only 4 months of those years with him as a physical part of our family. Despite the fact that he died so long ago, he is a special part of our life and I look forward to having him greet me  as I leave this world and enter into eternity.

     Trust is not a word I would usually associate with Christmas, but it played a huge part in this Christmas. Let me tell you why. With the progress of the disease I have a very distinct feeling that this would be the last Christmas I will spend with my family, so it became important that we all be together.

    All of our children's homes involve steps and steps are my nemesis..... How to deal with this problem became the discussion point between the children. Mum in a wheelchair, toilet, bedroom and bathroom upstairs, not a good combination.

    Engineering came to the fore,  and Keith worked out that they could manhandle me up the stairs as long as I put my trust in them and did not try to interfere as I am prone to do. So, sitting in my wheelchair, I was tipped back, balanced and then carried up the stairs, floating it seemed in the arms of my family. I thoroughly enjoyed the co-operation of the various family members as they took turns in helping with this task and the obvious love and care that was lavished on me when I announced that it was time for another treck upstairs.

    It is not possible to explain what it meant to me to be the recipient of this care, but it was a very good lesson in learning to trust in new and untried situations.

    Our walk through the valley is a " new" experience, one that requires a huge amount of trust in each of the new experiences that take me ever closer to that day when I leave this life and enter eternity. Trust in the knowledge that God is always with me, that He has experienced the grief of separation from the One He loved most, and that the way He leads me is the best way and will be used by Him to bless others.


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