Our Journey Throughh The Valley (20)
7 June, 2013
BEV: I have been involved with a number of medical people in recent days which has involved brain scans etc. I have approached each involvement with a measure of trepidation because of ignorance on my part, not knowing what would happen.
In the midst of all these activities, there is one passage of Scripture that has been a source of comfort, perspective and strength. In Mark 4/35-41, we read of an episode that has been newly revived in my heart. The disciples were on a journey in a boat to the other side of the lake. This sudden storm was more than just a natural phenomenon. But it's wonderful the way Jesus was in the back of the boat asleep on a cushion! He didn't seem threatened. He just relaxed and went to sleep. The disciples panicked.
The lesson in this for me is whether I follow the example of the disciples and panic because a storm called Motor Neurone Disease could cause my "life boat" to sink, so that I cry out "Lord, don't you care that I am about to perish?" or do I relax in the back of the boat with my head on a cushion, with Jesus.
This has to be my choice and I pray that I will have enough grace to constantly choose the latter.