Today's "Moment with Mark" (107)
12 March, 2013
Meanwhile, Peter followed far behind and then slipped inside the gates of the high priest's courtyard. For a while he sat with the guards, warming himself by the fire. (Mark 14:54)
As we continue our journey towards the Easter event, I am encouraged by the knowledge that there are those who are finding these daily "Moments with Mark" helpful in providing a focus each day from Mark's gospel that is preparing our hearts for our celebration of this greatest of all events.
I need to say that I have a new appreciation of Peter. Mostly, at this stage of the unfolding drama, he has been little more than what Jesus said He would be; i.e. one who would deny Him three times. But Peter is more than that.
[1] He is the disciple who stridently declared that He would not let harm come to Jesus.
[2] He declared his willingness to go to prison and death with Jesus.
[3] He is the disciple who took out a sword and made to defend his Master.
[4] He is the one who at least hung around while the others ran for their lives
Of course, he is still impulsive. He will still stick his foot in his mouth from time to time.
But for all that, he is a champion! He is the only one of the 12 disciples who knows what it is like to walk on water. He will be the one who delivers the message at the next Pentecost festival.
It's all too easy to lock people up in our image of them and not give them room or opportunity to be more than what we recall about them. Sometimes we forget that our knowledge of others is limited. There may well be characteristics and qualities that have escaped our attention.
I have had occasion over the years to say to some of my critics, "You have reacted towards me on the basis of what someone else has told you about me. How do you find me? Can I ask you to respond to me based on how you find me rather than how others find me?"
I have a new admiration for Peter. He may not be the greatest hero of his time but he was nearby whereas the others were scattered in all directions. This Easter would be a wonderful time if just some of Peter rubbed off on me.