Today's "Moment With Mark" (12) - Discipleship
24 November, 2012
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. Mark 1:16-18
I can't let this go without one further observation;
i.e. the lack of information provided to Simon and Andrew so that they can make an informed response to Jesus' invitation. They did not enter into negotiations involving job description and remuneration. Yet we are told that they immediately left their nets and followed Him. That's a bold decision founded on so little information.
Jesus hasn't changed in the way He recruits disciples. The invitation is very clear. The promise is clear. But there is much that Jesus doesn't tell us. Nonetheless, the call goes out to them and, amazingly, they made what must have been the biggest decision of their lives based on the smallest amount of information.
It's good to get as much information as we can before making big decisions. But sometimes (today perhaps?) God will call you to a ministry - short term or long term - and He will give you nothing more than a invitation and a promise.