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  • Today's "Moment with Mark" (126)

    31 March, 2013

    Very early on Sunday morning, just at sunrise, they came to the tomb.On the way they were discussing who would roll the stone away from the entrance to the tomb.But when they arrived, they looked up and saw that the stone — a very large one — had already been rolled aside. (Mark 16:2-5 NLT)

    On this day - Resurrection Sunday - Christianity parts company with every other religion; past, present and future. Today Christianity moves into a category all of its own.Today, it becomes unique in a way that has never been matched before or since. The reason for this uniqueness is found in the discovery made by a handful of women one Sunday morning.

    The body of their Lord had been hastily placed in the tomb by Joseph so that the Sabbath could be observed. Now that the Sabbath was past, these women hurried to make permanent what Joseph could only do temporarily.

    They had one major concern. The stone that Joseph had rolled across the tomb entrance was very large. How would they move it? As it happened, they need not have worried. The stone had already been rolled aside! They were not the first people who arrived at the tomb that morning! But who else could have arrived before them?

    Some time earlier that morning a miracle of cosmic proportions took place. I like to think of it in these terms. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus came down upon that tomb, He rolled the stone away and said to His Son, "Well done, my Beloved Son!! You have been faithful in all I gave you to do. I now speak life into your body so that death, the last and greatest enemy is now defeated".

    Obviously (I hope!) I am not claiming divine inspiration for that picture. But I do believe that Jesus was raised by the power of God and now all authority in heaven and on earth is His.

    The God who moved the stone and set His Son free is the same God who can move those stones in our lives that seem to block the way and prevent us from reaching our full potential in Christ.

    I love the words of the song, "No Stone", sung by Steve Amerson (and I leave these words with you on this Easter Sunday.

    The earth shook with violence as the Father called His Son

    The stone that held the Christ was rolled away,

    Hope had risen, death had been destroyed,

    The Lamb of God had triumphed on that day


    There is no stone big enough to hide you from His grace

    No stone big enough to crush the force of faith

    Not one thing that hell can do to keep His love from breaking through,

    There's no stone that can't be moved by the power of God.


    For the power that was in that tomb

    Is present here now in this room,

    There's no stone that can't be moved

    By the power of God




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