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  • Today's "Moment with Mark" (57)

    17 January, 2013

    "Get away from me, Satan!"   (Mark 8:33 NLT)

    Imagine that you had no knowledge whatsoever of this exclamation that burst through the lips of Jesus.  Now, think of yourself in some kind of TV competition and with blindfold in place, you hear these words of Jesus and you are asked to describe [1] the setting in which they were spoken and [2] to whom these words directed.

    Well, you can't be sure about [1] but obviously the person to whom these words were spoken was Satan because (and you don't know why the planners for the competition missed this so obvious blunder) the name of the person is mentioned in the question!). 

    Then you are asked to remove the blindfold and you stood speechless to realise that Jesus was speaking, not to Satan in some kind of cosmic conflict, but to the Apostle Peter!

    We know the setting; Jesus is teaching about the death He will suffer in Jerusalem and Peter is just letting it be known to anybody within listening range that there is no way this will ever happen. It was of those "over-my-dead-body" kind of statements.

    This is the same man who had revealed to him that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the living God, but who in such a short space of time becomes the chief (human) opponent of the unfolding story of redemption.

    There is still a lot of work to be done in Peter's life....and in mine...and in yours?



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