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  • Today's "Moment with Mark" (59)

    19 January, 2013

    "You faithless people! How long must I be with you until you believe? How long must I put up with you? (Mark 9:19 NLT)

    For those who hold a view or image of Jesus that does not allow Him to feel frustration in and disappointment with the current generation, then they need to begin questioning the accuracy of their view of who Jesus is and what He is like. The danger is that we create an image of Jesus that accords with that we want Him to be rather than the facts of who He actually is in life.

    Can't you hear the emotional strain in His voice? "How long....until you believe?" How long must I put up with your faithlessness?" His cry (because that's what it is) reminds us of some of the Psalmists who often asked the question, "How long, O Lord.....?"

    I am so thankful for such insights into the emotional life of Jesus. He truly was the Son of Man, experiencing our humanity, being tested and tempted in every way at every point, yet never sinning.

    We are often told that it is wrong (sinful?) to get angry and it makes us feel uneasy to think that Jesus got angry. But sometimes the sin is to be found in NOT getting angry.

    For example, to remain passive in the light of serious injustice is (I believe) the real sin.
    Jesus was emotional when His friend, Lazarus, died. Jesus was emotional when the disciples tried to prevent the children coming to Him.

    Maybe I need to get good and angry about a few things!


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