Today's "Moment with Mark" (63)
23 January, 2013
As he was starting out on a trip, a man came running up to Jesus, knelt down, and asked, "Good Teacher, what should I do to get eternal life?" (Mark 10:17 NLT)
A preacher friend of mine presented a great sermon based on this story. I recall the outline he used to present the gospel. Concerning the man,
1. He came at the right time (some versions call him the rich young ruler)
2. He came to the right person (Jesus, the eternal Son of God)
3. He asked the right question (What must I do to have eternal life)
4. He got the right answer (Come, follow me.)
5. He made the wrong decision (He chose his wealth rather than the Saviour)
There are many, many people who will have nothing to do with the institutional Church but they have some recognition (even appreciation) of Jesus. You and I will walk past, sit with, chat to and in many other ways have contact with people who wonder about eternal life.
Let's ask the Lord to make us unusually sensitive when those contacts are made today.
"Lord, will you lead some one across my path today? May I be for them the right person who is able to give them the right answer. Then let me encourage them to make the right decision. Amen