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  • Today's "Moment with Mark" (79)

    8 February, 2013

    "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.  And since you don't know when they will happen, stay alert and keep watch.   (Mark 13:32-33 NLT)

    Maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake but, when I hear false teachers and false prophets predicting the time and date of the end of the world, I wonder to myself, "What part of Jesus' statement that no one knows the time or date when these things will happen don't you understand?"

    It's because we don't know those specific details that we can stay alert and be watchful. It is the very imminence of the Lord's return that keeps us on our toes, so to speak. "Imminent" means it could happen anytime, so be ready. In fact, the Lord's Return has been imminent from virtually the time Jesus first proclaimed it.

    Steve Amerson has a great music album out called, "This Could Be The Day" and the title track has the following lyrics; 

    "This could be the day when the Lord returns in glory

    This could be the day when He calls His children Home

    So be faithful in service as you watch and pray

    For this, oh, this,This could be the day"


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