Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches


  • When God says, "You must..." (Part 12)

    29 January, 2014

    Luke goes into considerable detail about the trip and the obstacles that threatened to stop them from ever reaching Rome. But, as we have repeatedly noticed in following the fortunes of Paul, when God says, "You must..." you will. Note  how Luke writes about "head winds", "rough sailing", "great difficulty", "the wind was against us"  (Acts 27:9)

    "We had lost a lot of time". Remember what we said some time back about God's timetable and ours? Luke was stating the obvious. Do you have that same sense about losing time so far as fulfilling some ministry that God has given you?

    Of course, you may have lost a lot of time because of poor decisions and laziness. But if that loss of time is due to issues outside your control, just remember that you have no more control over the elements than Paul had. You have no control over the slowness of others in your ministry endeavours.
    What you do have is the choice between getting frustrated and uptight or leaving the uncontrollable aspects in God's hands


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