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  • When God says, "You must..." (Part 7)

    3 January, 2014

    It's a hard thing to have to listen to people besmear your name, ridicule your motivation, tell outright lies about you and to deliberately seek to mislead others by misrepresenting you and to do so in such a way that flattery energises the words.

    So it was with Paul. (Acts 24)  This high-powered Lawyer, Tertullus,  (employed no doubt by the religious leaders) used all his skills to flatter the Governor while, at the same time, he accused Paul with inciting riots against the Romans and even defiling the Temple.

    Paul's journey to Rome could have come to a screaming halt right about there. The Divine Imperative (" must testify about me in Rome,,") could have become the Divine  Reversal if the Governor believed the lawyer's lies and rejected the truth of Paul's testimony.

    But the "Thought for Today" revolves around your experience of being slandered by another person or persons to the point where friendships may have buckled and collapsed under the weight of rumours, half-truths etc.

    I urge you to read all of Psalm 37 because there you will find God's way of handling such situations. Here's just one verse or promise from that wonderful Psalm.

    He will make your innocence as clear as the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. (v.6)


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