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  • When God says "You Must..." (Part 8)

    7 January, 2014

    The Apostle Paul had been told by God that he must testify in Rome (Acts 23).  But had Paul thought that this was something that would happen quickly, like in the next few weeks or a couple of months, he would have been sadly mistaken and probably greatly confused.

    The Bible tells us that God's ways are not our ways.(Isaiah 55).  Something else I have noticed over the years is that God's timetable is not our timetable! God never seems to be in a hurry. He is, however, into waiting!

    Jesus receives word that His dear friend, Lazarus, is sick. So what does He do? He stays where He is for two more days (John 11). What we learn from this and other examples is that delays are not denials. But they fit in with God's timetable, not ours.

    Paul must testify in Rome. But there is now a two year delay in the fulfilment of that Divine Imperative. I wonder if Paul was ever tempted to lose heart during those two years? And what about you? How are you coping with the delay in your life at the moment?


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