Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches


  • Our Journey Through The Valley (79)

    During our last breakfast together on the Friday morning, (prior to Bev's admission into High Care) we read about another breakfast recorded in John 21. During that meal, Jesus said to Peter "When you were young you were able to do as you liked: you dressed yourself and went wherever you…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (78)

    Yesterday was the best of days, it was the worst of days. It was the day that we knew had to come and would come. It was irresistible. Yesterday Bev was admitted to High Care. The impact of the disease had reached a point where we (just the two of us) could no longer 'do life' together…read more
  • The Paradox of Change (4)

    Thinking about the relationship between pain and change, here is another "threesome" that is worth exploring A. CHANGE IS INEVITABLE. It is, you know. You and I may not want it. We may resist it. We may argue against it. But unless we create and live in a community like the Amish,…read more
  • The Paradox of Change (3)

    This morning I'm wondering why the subject of "change" seems to be occupying my attention over recent days. I guess Bev and I are in the midst of significant change at the moment as so much in our life together is changing rather dramatically as we contend with Motor Neurone Disease.…read more
  • The Paradox of Change (2)

    The Pastor who sat across the table from me at breakfast had just recently been fired by his Church. From within the pain of that experience he said this to me. "Mike, I'm convinced that our Churches will never change until the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of change".…read more
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