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This third entry will only make sense to those who have read the first 2 entries. My last entry concluded with the words, "This divine initiative, however, required then and requires now a response. Put simply, a kiss requires two people to be involved if the kiss is to have any chance of success!"


Joseph and Mary responded to heaven's kiss by submitting to it. A positive response. Mary simply said, "I am the Lord's servant. May everything you have said about me come true". (Luke 1/38). Joseph's response is summed up in the words, "…he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife" (Matt.1/24)


And nothing could ever be the same again!


The shepherds also responded positively to the Divine kiss. Initially they were terrified by this heavenly visitation. Yes, the divine kiss often provokes this reaction at first. But they soon warmed to heaven's touch as they visited the Christ child and then it was not possible to keep them quiet as they told everyone about the kiss that changed their lives.


And nothing could ever be the same again!


The response of the astrologers was much the same. It was a star that brought them to the place where they felt the kiss, knelt, worshipped and returned to their homeland.


And nothing could ever be the same again!


But not everyone responded positively. Some did not even feel the kiss. The leading priests and teachers of religious law missed it altogether. Yet they studied the Old Testament books that foretold the Divine kiss. Of all people, they should have known and responded more ardently than all others. But they missed it.


And, for them, everything would remain the same!


I think Herod recognized the kiss but he saw it as an intrusion. He recognized the implications of this overture from another lover and determined to eliminate this potential threat to his exclusive claim upon the lives of those in his domain.


And, for him, nothing would change!


I'm thinking again now about that Saturday night in July, 1960. I'm thinking about that kiss that marked the beginning of a relational process which saw Bev and I ultimately commit to marriage 4 years later and that commitment has continued to this very day - almost 50 years later. Our commitment to continue this journey remains strong.


There have been countless kisses since then. Sometimes those kisses have been little more than token and mechanical. Sometimes they have been passionate and mysterious.


Quite some years ago I sensed the Spirit of God whisper into my spirit (mysterious, eh?) something that sounded like, "Mike, I want you to pay close attention to your relationship with Bev. It is a fairly accurate reflection of your relationship with me".


My relationship with God is anything but static. Sometimes it is hot, sometimes cold. Yes, and sometimes it is luke-warm. But it is irreversible - despite the temperature! The danger comes if I ever become content with either luke-warm or cold.


The Apostle John described that first Christmas in theological terms. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us". In so doing, God came to us and He kissed us.


1. Have you responded to that initiative on His part? Have you returned the kiss, so to speak?


2. If you have responded, do you recognize the many kisses that He continues to lavish upon you? Do you continue to respond? He is no less ardent and passionate towards His relationship with you than He was at the beginning.

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