Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches

Mike's Archive

I find there is great value in writing down thoughts, concepts and insights that come to me in the course of everyday life. 

Sometimes what I write may begin as a single thought or observation and I usually expect it may take just a sentence or two to capture it on paper. But very often that one thought triggers a second insight....and then a that before long what began as a solo idea runs the risk of becoming a full-blown epistle!!

 This was certainly the case for my entries under the theme, "God Can...But Will He?" A single thought became three entries in my journal. I trust you will find practical value as you read those entries.

I encourage you, dear reader, to do the same. If any of these thoughts that I record are promptings of the Holy Spirit, then I don't want to lose them. Writing them in my journal (my Log Book) enables me the opportunity to return at some future time and reflect on them.

It's amazing what you can see in retrospect! God really does speak into our lives but often we don't "hear" Him right at that moment. For me, it's usually further along on the journey that the "penny drops" and I see the lesson with clarity. My journal is a key tool in that process.

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