A Thought for Today
15 September, 2014
The doctor put his pen down and looked at the elderly man who sat across the table from him. The doctor’s brow was furrowed and his countenance grim. “Jack, there’s no easy way to tell you this but to come straight to the point and say that the results of the tests are not good. The bottom line is that you have an aggressive form of Leukaemia. You may have 3 months at the most”.
The old man stood to his feet and smiled at the doctor and then shook his hand warmly. “Doctor, thank you so very, very much. I could see that telling me that news was a hard thing for you to do.”
The doctor was concerned that Jack was in some form of immediate denial or that he hadn’t explained the situation adequately for his patient to grasp. “I don’t know how you can thank me for being the bearer of bad news”
“Doc, I have been a disciple of Jesus Christ for most of my life. I have known for a long time that one day I would die and, because of my relationship with Him, I would go to heaven. What I haven’t known is how this would happen and when. You have just now answered both those questions. Now I can make the final arrangements.