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  • Our Journey Through The Valley (15)

    25 May, 2013


    BEV:  This is what I wrote in my journal this morning.  "Two months since the official diagnosis!  A marked decline noted physically, still holding on emotionally, thriving spiritually.  But I'm starting to wonder at what lies ahead with all the emphasis from God on His care for me/us and the fact that He will never leave or abandon us. Strength for each day only!"


    MIKE:  Little by little the realisation and impact of our current and future circumstances is beginning to break through. The response of so many people and their commitment to pray for us is so real.

    I was asked yesterday how our children were handling the news of Bev's condition and I realised that I have never asked them directly even though we have talked a lot about what the future might look like.  We haven't asked our grandchildren either (5 girls from 23 to 12).


    For those who are following our journey on Barnabas, would you pray for our three children (48, 46 and 42) as we seek to be aware of how each is handling the news and how we can best help them come to terms with the future - both short term and long term?


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