Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches


  • Our Journey Through The Valley (22)

    12 June, 2013

    BEV:  My reading this morning led me back to the thought that our worship should not be for Sunday only but should be part of everyday life.

    This got me thinking that with my disease situation, my experience of faith in Jesus has to move in a new way from a Sunday experience to an "every-moment-of-every-day" experience.

    In the physical realm I have already moved from needing a walking stick to needing a stronger, more sturdy "walker". So it is with my experience of faith. I am past what someone has called "fair-weather" faith; what I need now is the depth of faith that makes walking through the valley successful.

    This is what I have in Jesus, not only a Saviour but a companion who is with me and will never leave me.


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