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  • Our Journey Through The Valley (56)

    6 December, 2013

    ~~As Bev's condition with Motor Neurone Disease continues to deteriorate, I am withdrawing from other responsibilities so that I can give the highest priority to help her (or tale over) in the various duties and responsibilities that cannot be ignored. Helping her shower and dress is one such responsibility. Transport is another. Shopping is yet another. Wheel-chair duty is one that keeps her alert!! She has yet to be convinced that I can drive that thing with her in it!

    Last time I mentoned the passage in John 21 /18f and I want to go back to that passage again.

    There is a literalness about Jesus' words to Peter and their application to us:

    ".....when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go."

    Ah, those years long ago when we had the freedom of youth; freedom to come and go as we pleased. However the limitations of ageing befall all of us and we eventually get to the place where we are dependant on others.

    ".....and lead you where you do not want to go." 

    I take it that this is a reference to the fact that others will determine when, where and how Peter was to die.

    Those of you who know anything  about Motor Neurone Disease will know that it doesn't rate highly on the list of "This is the way I want to die". We talk about having a heart attack as being the way to go. Dying peacefully in our sleep rates highly with most people. My mentor of 15+ years walked out through the door of his home for his morning walk, turned the corner and walked straight into the arms of Jesus. Heart attack.

    Whatever you say about Jesus, He sure was honest with His disciples. He didn't sugar-coat the cost of being a disciple.


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