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  • Our Journey Through The Valley (57)

    9 December, 2013

    ~~Reflecting on this passage began with some thoughts about the folly of comparisons. Jesus has just delivered a word to Peter about the nature of his (Peter's) death. It wasn't exactly an appealing prospect. I can't imagine what Peter must have been thinking as he turned and saw John. You can do your own thinking about why Peter asked the next question.

    Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. When Peter saw him, he asked, "Lord, what about him?"

    Comparisons. I think Peter wanted to know if others from the discipleship group were also going to suffer along with him.
    ".......Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me." 
    Roughly translated: "Mind your own business, Peter. You are not to interfere, manoeuvre or manipulate. What happens to John is between John and me. You follow me! That's your responsibility . It's not your place to interfere with what I am doing with your fellow disciples."

    The  death of some Christians will be peaceful after a long life of fulfilment and significance. It seems to me that George Beverley Shea is a case in point. Yet other believers will die after prolonged and painful sickness.
    Why? That's not for me to know or determine. By what kind of death you and I will die is for the Master to determine. I just ask that whatever form my death may take, the Lord God will be glorified.


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