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  • Our Journey Through the Valley (68)

    27 January, 2014

    Thou Shalt Not Stress!

    I have never been very good at reading my own stress levels. I have always been dependent on Bev to keep me aware whenever my stress levels are rising unacceptably. This has been no easy task for her because she would often sound that alert or warning at times when I thought everything was OK. Of course, more often than not she was right!!

    She has been sounding that warning again in recent days as we journey on towards the valley. However, this time she has a few extra voices! It would seem that there are other people who have expressed concern about my appearance and the overall impact this journey is having upon me.

    Well, I suppose that our circumstances at this time are, understandably, stressful.  

    Of course, stress generates more stress. I asked my Neurologist on one occasion what effect stress has on Parkinson's Disease. His response was something like this. "Stress won't make the disease worse but it will make the symptoms more obvious". I'm not sure that I catch the difference between those two outlooks but I suspect that there are a number of friends and family who are observing the reality of that situation in my life. I also know that Bev is getting stressed because of what is happening to me (apparently).

    Stress has a negative impact on relationships. Things that would never be said in the normal run-of-the-day activities have a way of sliding off one's tongue with the capacity to badly wound the other person. It's not that Bev and I have been falling prey to that strategy but we both can see the potential for such a dynamic to be introduced into this journey.

    Maybe this is an area that could arm and inform you for your continuing prayer for us?


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