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  • Our Journey Through The Valley (72)

    22 February, 2014

    I've read it so many times over the years but it has always been Jesus speaking to Peter with me being the silent observer. But, as I reported in Part 1 of this exploration, a few nights ago it became personal as I sensed the Lord saying those words to Bev and I and applying them to our situation.

    "I have prayed for you....". After I began to feel the truth that Jesus prayed for us (it still hasn't been fully realised by either of us yet), I found myself drawn to what He prayed.

    ".....that your faith should not fail".  If one had to pick the easiest, least 'uncomfortable' way to depart this world,  Motor Neurone Disease is not the process one would choose. We know that there will probably be times when we will have hard questions to present to the Lord as to why He allows such experiences.  We won't be the first to ask such questions. We know our faith will be tested. This whole journey has the potential to be a crisis of faith.

    Jesus Himself, in the midst of horrible suffering, asked the toughest question of all, "My God! My God! Why have You forsaken me?"  I guess if He asked the question, it's OK for us to ask it, too.

    Even before we face such times, we hear Him say, "I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail".  Of course, that is not only true for us but for you, too

    He lives forever to plead with God on their behalf. (Heb 7:25)


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