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  • Our Journey Through The Valley (82)

    9 April, 2014

    There were more tears today. But they were tears of gratitude. It happened this way. This morning, Bev joined in the hymn singing in the Nursing Home where she has been a resident for the last two weeks. The second hymn was one that we sang at our wedding almost 50 years ago.

    "O Perfect Love" was a very popular choice back in those days. Now, I can't say that we all (Bridal Party and Congregation alike) realised the power and significance of the words. Nor can I say that we appreciated at the time that it was a prayer sung by our friends and family over Bev and I.

    But we certainly realised the beauty and appropriateness of that prayer today as we reflected upon those words and their fulfilment in our lives over the 5 subsequent decades. Hence tears.

    O Perfect Love, all human thought  transcending ,

    Lowly we kneel in prayer before Thy Throne;

    That theirs may be a love which knows no ending,

    Whom Thou forevermore dost join in one.


    O Perfect Life, be Thou their full assurance

    Of tender charity and steadfast faith, of perfect hope

    And quiet, brave endurance,

    With childlike trust that fears not pain or death.


    Grant them the joy which brightens earthly sorrow,

    Grant them the peace which calms all earthly strife,

    And to life's day the glorious unknown morrow

    That dawns upon eternal love and life.

    Apparently our Heavenly Father recognised it as a prayer because He has spent the past 50 years answering it!!  Of course our current circumstances provide a backdrop that gives energy to the words. So we read them again and........well, I've already mentioned their impact today.

    Some people who were guests at our wedding will most likely read this reflection. We want to thank you for praying this prayer into our lives on 25th July, 1964. Our Heavenly Father continues to answer your prayer to this day and we are convinced that He will continue to do so as we walk through the valley and into the arms of Jesus.


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