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  • Our Journey Through the Valley (83)

    20 April, 2014

    The arrival of a motorized wheel chair this past week has given Bev a new degree of mobility that expands the range of activities that we can now share together. If only you could have seen the look on Bev's face when she first saw this machine! Now that her legs are without strength, this provision is very timely.

    It has been delightful to watch Bev manoeuvre up and down the hallways of our Aged Care facility. So much is this the case that I am thinking of fitting some kind of tracking device so that we can know where she is at any given time!! (Exaggeration for effect!)

    We want to acknowledge the incredible work done by the Motor Neurone Disease Association in providing this kind of equipment to those who suffer increasingly severe limitations. The selfless work done by a whole range of people is inspirational. Our whole hearted "Thank you" goes out to them.

    However, the reality of the continuing influence of the disease resulting in Bev's diminishing strength will not go away. In some ways we feel like we are being cocooned from the emotional impact of what lies ahead for us. I don't believe that this is some form of denial. But every so often we catch a glimpse of the cost of what it will take to "walk through the valley of the shadow of death".

    When our thoughts and feelings are pulled in that direction, we seek to return to the present because that is where we find grace for that day.


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