Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches



    3 June, 2016

    If you were to read our journal entry for this day last year, you would read the following Today's instalment… [more]

  • JOURNAL 89

    22 May, 2016

    Hi sweetheart, Sometimes I experience periods of “What if…?”. These are times when my mind seems… [more]

  • JOURNAL 88

    17 May, 2016

    Hi Darling, Coming home from the hospital with a mechanical device fitted to my chest – a P.E.G. I think it… [more]

  • JOURNAL 87

    13 May, 2016

    JOURNAL 87 The doctor said I can go home this morning. The surgery has had the desired effect and this new means of… [more]

  • JOURNAL 86

    10 May, 2016

    JOURNAL 86 MOTHER’S DAY Hello sweetheart, I haven’t spoken to our children as to… [more]

  • Today's "Moment with Mark" (45) - Who is Jesus?

    5 January, 2013

    The next Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They asked, "Where did he get all his wisdom and the power to perform such miracles?  He's just the carpenter........"  (Mark 6:2-3 NLT)

    "He's just the carpenter..."  Well, yes, he was the village carpenter. But this Jesus is much, much more than just a carpenter. Those who thought they knew Him best were the ones who locked Him into a stereotype and, in their own minds, wouldn't allow Him to be anything else. Why do we do that? Why do we accept a person based only on our knowledge of them - as though our knowledge of them was complete and accurate?

    From within the life of Jesus they recognised His wisdom to teach and the power to perform miracles but they just couldn't make that fit with their preconception that He was just a carpenter. So, instead of questioning their preconception, they adopted an attitude of rejecting Him. That was the only option they had, so they thought.

    Jesus once asked His disciples, "Who do you say that I am". [Mark will take up this question in chp.8].  Our answer to this question is absolutely critical because it will help us to know what we are prepared to accept about Jesus in our lives. If He is just the carpenter to our way of thinking, then we will not accept Him beyond that preconception. The result?
    .....he couldn't do any mighty miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.  And he was amazed at their unbelief. (Mark 6:5-6 NLT)


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