Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches



    3 June, 2016

    If you were to read our journal entry for this day last year, you would read the following Today's instalment… [more]

  • JOURNAL 89

    22 May, 2016

    Hi sweetheart, Sometimes I experience periods of “What if…?”. These are times when my mind seems… [more]

  • JOURNAL 88

    17 May, 2016

    Hi Darling, Coming home from the hospital with a mechanical device fitted to my chest – a P.E.G. I think it… [more]

  • JOURNAL 87

    13 May, 2016

    JOURNAL 87 The doctor said I can go home this morning. The surgery has had the desired effect and this new means of… [more]

  • JOURNAL 86

    10 May, 2016

    JOURNAL 86 MOTHER’S DAY Hello sweetheart, I haven’t spoken to our children as to… [more]

  • Today's "Moment with Mark" (62)

    22 January, 2013

    Some Pharisees came and tried to trap him with this question: "Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife?" (Mark 10:2 NLT)

    Is there a family anywhere that has not been impacted to a greater or lesser degree by this social phenomenon called "Divorce"? It was a reality in the days of Jesus and it is a reality now. The breakdown of a marriage produces incredible pain. This relational tearing apart  has impacted our family and left us all wondering how such a tragedy could have come into our relational network which we had thought was so strong.

    Since this question was designed to trap Jesus into saying something that could be used against Him in what was becoming the inevitable trial ahead of Him, we get some insight into His position and attitude on this subject. I think we also get an insight into His position on other related issues.

    God's plan was seen from the beginning of creation, for 'He made them male and female.'  This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.' Since they are no longer two but one, let no one separate them, for God has joined them together."  (Mark 10:6-9 NLT)

    The key phrase here is 'He made them male and female.'  This has enormous implications, not only for our understanding of marriage but for our understanding about homosexuality, gay marriage and gender differences becoming blurred as our culture moves further away from the Biblical norm.


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