Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches



    3 June, 2016

    If you were to read our journal entry for this day last year, you would read the following Today's instalment… [more]

  • JOURNAL 89

    22 May, 2016

    Hi sweetheart, Sometimes I experience periods of “What if…?”. These are times when my mind seems… [more]

  • JOURNAL 88

    17 May, 2016

    Hi Darling, Coming home from the hospital with a mechanical device fitted to my chest – a P.E.G. I think it… [more]

  • JOURNAL 87

    13 May, 2016

    JOURNAL 87 The doctor said I can go home this morning. The surgery has had the desired effect and this new means of… [more]

  • JOURNAL 86

    10 May, 2016

    JOURNAL 86 MOTHER’S DAY Hello sweetheart, I haven’t spoken to our children as to… [more]

  • Today's "Moment with Mark" (76)

    5 February, 2013

    "Realizing this man's understanding, Jesus said to him, you are not far from the Kingdom of God." (Mark 12:34 NLT)  "A teacher of religious law". Hmm sounds impressive! I wonder if he wore the exclusive garments of his high place in the religious community?  No, I must not allow my attitude to become cynical.

    He seems to be genuinely impressed with the answers that Jesus had given to the other sceptical leaders who had tried to trap Him with questions designed to produce evidence that would incriminate Him.

    I can't help but feel that this religious teacher asked his question of Jesus, not to trap Him, but to examine His orthodoxy. It feels to me like the Theological Professor checking the 1st year student to see if he has a basic grasp of orthodox theology. After all, this young fellow is the "boy from the bush" and obviously has had no opportunity to learn the ways of the learned scholars like himself.

    In one critical moment the scene changed from the Theology Professor critiquing the impressive young man from out-of-town to that same young man evaluating the Professor's understanding and describing his final score with the words, "You are not far from the Kingdom of God".

    How did the teacher of religious law feel at that moment? Was he offended at such a critique being made of his own life? Did pride try to raise its ugly head? Did he feel threatened by someone penetrating his soul with such insight?

    How do we feel when someone we consider to be inferior to us (in knowledge, experience etc.) makes what feels like a judgment call on our life - whether it be a word of strong affirmation or a word of correction?  


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