Today's "Moment with Mark" (77)
6 February, 2013
"I assure you, this poor widow has given more than all the others have given. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has." (Mark 12:43-44 NLT).
Kingdom economics are very different from the values of this world. If there is one area that preachers find most difficult (and often avoid like the plague), it is the areas of money, possessions, wealth etc. However, there are some exceptions to that previous statement and those preachers seem to speak almost exclusively about money week in and week out!!
The event to which Mark refers contrasts the attitudes to giving by rich people and poor people. The rich persons, says Jesus, give a tiny part of their surplus. In other words, it is token giving that leaves the primary account untouched because this token giving comes out of their surplus!
Then comes the widow with her two pennies - a tiny amount out of virtually nothing. The word, "surplus" is not part of her vocabulary. This, then, is total giving. Despite the large amount put in by the rich people, they had plenty left over. It didn't really cost them much at all.
Jesus said that those two coins were worth more than all the other offerings combined. Now that's Kingdom economics.
When the offering plate/bag comes around in next Sunday's service, does what you place in that bag reflect the economics of God's kingdom or the kingdom of self?