Today's "Moment with Mark" (89)
18 February, 2013
"My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death". Stay here and watch with me." (Mark 14:34 NLT)
Yesterday I sought to pause long enough for us to realise that we are entering very sacred ground as we anticipate the Easter event. I have been around now for 70 years which means I have participated in many Easter celebrations. Yes I have a sense that none will have been like this one. I plan to walk with Peter, James and John (with the assistance of Mark) and I hope you will come with me. We will witness and be impacted by what we see and hear - perhaps like never before.
"My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death" Like I said yesterday, I tend to think of Jesus as this unshakeable man who is able to remain apart from us mere mortals. "My soul is crushed with grief". In the last few months I have heard from two men who became widowers late last year. One talked about being "torn to shreds emotionally" while the other used the expression "ripped apart on the inside".
This God-man, Jesus, said virtually the same thing. In one sense there is no comparison between the grief that Jesus experienced and that of my two friends. But it's the closest we might be able to come to feel what was in His heart.
Yesterday it was "horror" and "deep distress" that grabbed our attention. Today we can add "crushed" to the words Jesus used to describe His inner being. "...crushed to the point of death".