Thought for Today - An Interesting Reversal
THE CONVERSATION THAT NEVER TOOK PLACE After breakfast Simon Peter asked Jesus, “Jesus, son of Joseph, do you love me?” “Yes, Simon” Jesus replied, “you know I love you.” “Then _________________________________________________” Peter told him. Simon…read moreOur Journey Through The Valley (87)
[The following is an edited E-mail which was received this past week from the Centre For Aged Care here at Aminya where Bev is now in high care. I thought that this could be a good way to let you know how Bev is going but through the eyes of the Senior Staff.] It’s been two months since…read moreOur Journey Through The Valley (86)
Our "Journey Through The Valley" experienced another reality check yesterday morning when Bev had a coughing episode and struggled to catch her breath. This was followed by another episode in the afternoon. Obviously this kind of experience is very stressful for her. It is also stressful…read moreThought For Today
As Christians we are never more complicated, complex and contradictory than when we talk about prayer. Let's put that to the test. Hands up all those who believe that prayer should have a high priority among us? (There's a good church, hands up everywhere; in fact, I think it's…read moreOur Journey Through The Valley (84)
It is now 12 months since Bev was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. At that time the Neurologist said that life expectancy with MND was 1-3 years from diagnosis. He then commented that if Bev was around 3 years from that day, he would be glad if she rang and told him he was wrong! That's…read more