Our Journey Through The Valley (55)
~~Making comparisons between people in their varied circumstances is usually unfair, illogical and unhelpful. Yet this is what I was doing last week. I was musing about our circumstances and this walk through the valley of the shadow of death. With Bev having been given a diagnosis of Motor Neurone…read moreOur Journey Through the Valley (54)
~~Bev and I make every effort to read a portion of God's Word each day (not always successfully, I might add). Yet we are often amazed at the relevance of that daily reading in that it speaks to our immediate cares, concerns or questions. Over this last weekend one of those readings took us…read moreOur Journey Through The Valley (53)
~~Sometimes life seems a little more than a bit unfair!! We compare one person's experience with that of another and, according to our set of values, "Person A" is advantaged in a way that "Person B" is not....and that's not fair! I (Mike) found myself thinking this way…read moreConflict or Combat
As I was talking with a good friend this morning, he shared with me a quote that I would like to share with you. "Conflict is inevitable, combat is optional" Wherever there are differences in human relationships and perspective, conflict is inevitable. We can't avoid the inevitable.…read moreOur Journey Through The Valley (52)
FROM BEV (Read and be blessed!!) I have just heard of the death of a friend's father... Part of the email read, " absent from the body but present with The Lord" . What an amazingly, comforting, mind blowing, empowering, motivating promise we have from the Bible. Our last breath on…read more