Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches


  • Our Journey Through The Valley (39)

    We have been overwhelmed in yet another way over this past week. Many of you will know our daughter, Karen. She has been an organizer since the day she was born. This past week we have benefitted from her organizational skills in a way that has blessed us all. Karen offered to walk in an event to…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (38)

    We continue to be the objects of prayer from many, many people. Every day we hear of others who turn to this blog to stay in touch with developments on our journey. Well, there are two developments that we believe can be linked directly to your prayers and ours. But before we mention those, let us…read more
  • The Antidote for Grace

    For many people, the idea of grace is just unacceptable. It is offensive to them. They consider this concept of grace to be outrageous because people should get what they deserve and not be forgiven by the grace of God. So, rather than submit to this "grace" dynamic, they seek an…read more
  • Just One Word But What A Word!

    What is it that makes Christianity different from every other religion? Why should anyone be persuaded to abandon every other god and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. For me the difference is the "Grace of God". To the best of my knowledge , no other faith has any concept of grace within its…read more
  • Our Journey Through The Valley (37)

    I'm sitting here looking at a brand new battery-powered "Scooter" that has been provided for Bev free of charge. Another wonderful provision for her. The wheelchair I mentioned last time is also free of charge. We are so grateful for every expression of God's goodness - many of…read more
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